Synopsys, Inc. is the Silicon to Software™ partner for innovative companies developing the electronic products and software applications we rely on every day. As the world’s 15th largest software company, Synopsys has a long history of being a global leader in electronic design automation (EDA)... Read More
Westboro Photonics is an innovative manufacturer of light measurement equipment serving the flat-panel display, avionics, automotive and illumination industries. Our measurement solutions include instrumentation to measure light emission, reflection and transmission as well as the software... Read More
Konica Minolta Sensing Americas provides advanced optical technology that precisely measures the elements of color and light. Our products have become a staple in research and manufacturing environments, helping organizations to meet product quality and operational goals with less waste, time,... Read More
By Lambda Research Corporation
TracePro is a comprehensive, versatile software tool for modeling the propagation of light in day lighting, sunlight redirection and solar simulation of structures and rooms. Use the built-in CAD interface to create any interior or exterior scene or import the scene from almost any CAD system.... Read more »
By Lambda Research Corporation
LITESTAR 4D is a free full suite of software designed to create photo-rendered images of any interior or exterior building scene. This easy to use software assists you in every phase of your lighting project from concept to design including marketing and management. LITESTAR 4D creates complete... Read more »