Lumenbeam Medium Pendant RGB

Available from Lumenpulse
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The Lumenbeam Medium Pendant RGB is an IP66 rated luminaire perfect for all architectural public spaces applications in both interior and exterior environments. It is available with a choice of 4 different optics, various stem lengths and mounting options, and a range of accessories. DMX 512 ready, it is compatible with all Lumenpulse standard controllers and all other available DMX 512 controllers. The Lumenbeam Medium Pendant RGB is a line voltage luminaire for 120 to 277 volts using only 28 watts. It produces 878 delivered lumens at full intensity, and distributes 31,880 candelas at its nadir with the 6° optic. The Lumenbeam Medium Pendant RGB offers unmatched photometric performance with a minimum 15 fc at a distance of 46 feet.

The Lumenbeam Medium Pendant RGB is designed to ensure sustainability by enabling simple maintenance and component replacement without having to replace the luminaire.

The Lumenpulse standard 5 year warranty is included, and covers the complete Lumenbeam Medium Pendant RGB assembly.

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